The meaning of enterprise
It amazes me how much more sceptical people are of corporate life than they were even six or seven years ago when I started doing employee focus groups.
And they aren't all Corbynite socialists. For many people it is normal to pursue development but remain ambivalent about the principle of profit.
From what I have heard, I think they struggle to see the meaning in revenue generating objectives, as opposed to doing something for its own sake.
Making the world better and making money are often talked of as incompatible.
They may well be right a lot of the time. But it's a problem for business that so many intelligent people conflate motive and outcomes like this.
Many newly minted workers of the last decade don't see the distinction between things are are good in and of themselves and things that are good as a means to an end.
Personal contentment relies on both. We cannot live the sort of circular corporate lives that only serve to keep us on the treadmill.
But I wonder if the basic belief in economic growth as one of the most important factors in moral progress is slipping away.
If people can't see themselves as part of a meaningful enterprise because they can't see the meaning in enterprise, the challenge is bigger than we realise.