Always interesting to read these chats between world leaders. If anything for more to see the, at the risk of using a buzz word, performative nature of them.
By this I mean that Thatcher leaves a massive conservational lay-up of:
‘I have yet to find a new home in London.’
And he doesn’t reply ‘How so?’ or similar. You realise the caller is provided with cue cards for whoever they are speaking to and they rattle through them as quickly as politeness allows. The inference being that accords are held more by the deals that underpin them than the relationships that decorate them.
Always interesting to read these chats between world leaders. If anything for more to see the, at the risk of using a buzz word, performative nature of them.
By this I mean that Thatcher leaves a massive conservational lay-up of:
‘I have yet to find a new home in London.’
And he doesn’t reply ‘How so?’ or similar. You realise the caller is provided with cue cards for whoever they are speaking to and they rattle through them as quickly as politeness allows. The inference being that accords are held more by the deals that underpin them than the relationships that decorate them.
Things we’re never so easy with George as they had been with Ron...
I saw your comment on the chat but it vanished! Love that recording. Ideal Christmas listening
Happy Christmas!
I know right! And is he wearing socks or tights or nothing? He also crossed his feet like Maggie. Bizarre.