The Winter’s Tale is one of my favourite Shakespeare plays.
just fyi... might be wrong, but i don't think this essay has been filed/tagged together with your other Shakespeare posts
oh thanks!
The ones I think about a lot are swapping the resolutions of Romeo And Juliet and Much Ado - so Benedick does kill Claudio; Romeo doesn't kill Tybalt. (Apologies for spoilers.)
Perdition means "the lost one." I liked this play when I read it at UBC many moons ago. Also Pericles. Shakespeare was awesome!
just fyi... might be wrong, but i don't think this essay has been filed/tagged together with your other Shakespeare posts
oh thanks!
The ones I think about a lot are swapping the resolutions of Romeo And Juliet and Much Ado - so Benedick does kill Claudio; Romeo doesn't kill Tybalt. (Apologies for spoilers.)
Perdition means "the lost one." I liked this play when I read it at UBC many moons ago. Also Pericles. Shakespeare was awesome!