Henry, have you read The Intellectual Life of the British Working Classes by Jonathan Rose? It’s got hundreds of moving and inspiring accounts of working class autodidacts many of whom possibly count as late bloomers. It’s a lot less dry than it sounds and is enthralling in parts.

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On my list! I love his book about the Edwardian era

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Your methods mirror mine! (My third book is out in September, so one data point that the method can be successful insomuch it results in a book.)

Our method does not jibe with modern academia. The fiercest critique my work has received is from folks enmeshed in institutions. I think it's because independent researchers/writers pull from wide-ranging and unruly sources that allows a good thinker to connect seemingly unconnected things. It defies the academic lego method that stacks new upon old brick by brick in a narrowly defined course with consequences if those rules are contravened.

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