I enjoy all of your interviews. Just a little sad that she thinks of Bloom as elitist. Bloom is so very misunderstood by many people. I'll probably get dumped on for defending him still. He said in an interview in 1994 that his book, The Western Canon, was a eulogy, and sadly he was right.
Politely disagree on the secondary literature point. Reading Bloom has opened my eyes on a lot of greater themes and smaller points on Shakespeare that perhaps someone as unsophisticated as myself would never have caught (ex. Bloom's theory that Othello had never consummated his love with Desdemona because he's not in love with her, so when her chastity is questioned, he is unsure of himself).
I enjoyed this. I appreciated her not recommending secondary literature. I get outraged when I open a classic book and am shown a dozens-of-pages-long "Introduction" as if to say "Read ME droning on before you dive into this work of art!" No thanks.
I enjoy all of your interviews. Just a little sad that she thinks of Bloom as elitist. Bloom is so very misunderstood by many people. I'll probably get dumped on for defending him still. He said in an interview in 1994 that his book, The Western Canon, was a eulogy, and sadly he was right.
I was expressing a reaction, not a judgement! Just that I find his tone hard to read.
I hear this from others too.
Politely disagree on the secondary literature point. Reading Bloom has opened my eyes on a lot of greater themes and smaller points on Shakespeare that perhaps someone as unsophisticated as myself would never have caught (ex. Bloom's theory that Othello had never consummated his love with Desdemona because he's not in love with her, so when her chastity is questioned, he is unsure of himself).
Loved the interview!
I enjoyed this. I appreciated her not recommending secondary literature. I get outraged when I open a classic book and am shown a dozens-of-pages-long "Introduction" as if to say "Read ME droning on before you dive into this work of art!" No thanks.
His writing style is an expression of the generation he grew up in.
whose writing style?
Sorry, I meant Bloom.