The Common Reader
Welcome to The Common Reader, a blog that tries to help you make the most of your reading time. I write essays for interesting people about literature, history, talent, biography, and related topics. As Samuel Johnson said, “You can never be wise until you learn to love reading.”

Subscribers get additional essays, like this one about the nature of genius or this one about Jane Eyre. And they join the Common Reader Book Club. The Book Club meets every six weeks or so to discuss a classic work of biography or literature, then subscribers get my follow-up resources.

You can find my most popular essays—about late bloomers, failures, fiction, and the morally corroding effects of Netflix, here.

                      "One of my favourite Substacks... a nerdy literature newsletter." 
                                                                                                            Helen Lewis

About me
I am currently writing a book about late bloomers — read about it here. You can read my articles for UnHerd, CapX, and The Critic. Please do email me. I always reply. You can find my personal website here.

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Helping you make the most of your reading. "One of my favourite Substacks." Helen Lewis


SECOND ACT. What Late Bloomers Can Tell You About Reinventing Your Life.